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Showing posts from April, 2020

Project 5.5

Original sign and wood burned version for hole 16.

Project 5.4

Initial layout for the sign on hole 10. Attempt at creating a wood burn effect. Tried to simulate an old wood burned sign for the hole that has been out in the elements for some time. 

Project 5.3

Some early mock-ups of the signs. Tried a portrait and landscape version, the portrait has all of the hole information while the landscape is my attempt at defining the tree lines. My next step is to pick an orientation and synthesize the elements present in both into one sign, as well as cleaning it up a little bit.

Project 5.2 [MORE CONCEPT]

Hole 10 Hole 16 Current tee sign example Today I went to the course to get some better reference images of the holes in question. I also got an example picture of the tee signs from the holes where they haven't gone missing. The current tee signs are really basic, so I definitely plan on making mine a lot more detailed and appealing.  While I would love to redo the signs for every hole, I am not sure how practical that would be, so I'll stick to the holes with missing signs for now.

Project 5.1 [CONCEPT]

Since I have been home, I've been playing a lot of disc golf. It is a way to get out and be active with relatively low risk to myself or anyone around me. At my local course, there are two tee signs that are missing for whatever reason. The two holes with missing tee signs are hole 10 and hole 16 (shown above). I have also included an example of a tee sign I found on the internet.  For my project I plan to create tee signs for these two holes. The tee sign shown above is fairly simple, but they usually contain information like hole distance, par strokes, out of bounds and even an elevation profile.

Project 4.4

Project 4.3

Some more variations on the previous image.

Project 4.2

I complied images of my parents, including some of them caving in West Virginia. I laid them over a cave background and played with blending modes. My biggest challenge right now is figuring out how to make something like this into a narrative.